Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Janey Godley (1961-2024)

Hello everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I know its late to say this, but I had been busy....

... and not 100%.

2024 turned out to be my least productive year for .... reasons.

Regular readers would know that I usually publish a Christmas card every year. I did think about making one, but ... reasons. When I finally got around to considering making one for 2024 I found some sad news. Comedian Janey Godley had passed away, due to cancer.

Back in 2016 Janey Godley and her daughter Ashley Storrie, chaired a stand-up comedy workshop organized by the National Autistic Society Scotland. The goal of it was to get a group of autistic adult to perform a routine in the Scottish Parliament. I was one of them. It was a great time. I enjoyed every minute of it. 

I'm glad I met her (and Ashley). 

Some time ago I had an idea for an Inktober challenge to draw comedians, with Janey included on the list. I actually told Ashley (via Facebook) the idea. But it didn't happen.

Its from this dormant idea that I drew this tribute to Janey. 

Hope you like it.

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Christmas card 2023

 I am taking watercolour painting lessons next year, so that is why I choose to do this for this year's card.

Happy "I survived winter" everyone.

Friday, 23 December 2022

Happy "I survived winter 2022" everyone

 Another year has passed. 

Recently, I've been working on a YouTube video about Teletext, so some of my time this December has been spent on this program. Teletext page editor

So for this year's card, I made this.

It's basic, but it'll do.

Monday, 17 January 2022

Invented Word 5 - Buggernaut

 A curse term/TV series.

I was playing pool with a bunch of former work colleagues today when one mentioned this term. I had to write it down Its great!

Friday, 24 December 2021

Happy "I survived winter 2021" everyone

Sorry for the lack of posts here this year. The Snacking Otaku took most of my attention.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Snacking Otaku book idea

 Last month I wrote down a few ideas for future Snacking Otaku publications. Today I just had an idea about one possible future book - What Makes Atoms Explode.

A while ago I aquired an old book. The Walt Disney Story of Our Friend The Atom, first published 1956.

Here are a few photos of it. Honestly, I bought it for the artwork.

Great endpaper 

If I finally make a book about nuclear power, I'll use this book for inspiration.

Monday, 24 May 2021

Snacking Otaku book title ideas

 While making What Makes Computers Tick, the idea of making it part of a series of nibble books exploring a deep topic came to me.

I already decided on what the next should be about. The decision was made by current tech trends in cars - the phasing out of internal combustion engines.

So, my follow up to What Makes Computers Tick, will be ....

What Made Cars, Bikes, Planes, Trains, etc Purrrrr

I have come up with other future titles -

  • What Makes Movies Flicker (film and TV)
  • What Makes a Video Game Zap
  • What Makes Vinyl "Warm" (sound recording)
  • What Makes Atoms Explode (nuclear power)
  • What Makes Robots Beep
  • What Makes A Camera Flash (photography)
  • What Makes Electricity Shocking (electrics and electronics)
  • What Made Trains Puff (steam engines)
  • What Makes Planes Zoom
But if they get made in the future is unknown. Its just a list of possible ideas for now.