Monday 23 December 2013

A Whovian Christmas to you all

It's mid-winter again, and its time for my annual christmas card. To begin with I had no idea what to do for this year's card. Then I remembered Doctor Who is 50 years old this year! So this year's card has a Whovian theme. (Actually its a tribute picture that I have kind of paperclipped with a christmas card, but it doesn't matter as it's my blog and I can do whatever I want whenever I want!)

And Here it is, my tribute to Doctor Who.

It was a bit of a headache to do, considering it was December and the fact this happened.

Back then I had Cat to help me. 
Which reminds me, his gift to Ian is almost finished
 (according to a text I got from him recently).

Where was I? Oh yes....

You be amazed how Doctor Who and Haruhi Suzumiya mixes well in the world of fan fiction. I know, because I read a few and here's a link for you to read for yourself.

But the best of them all (personally) is a trilogy by American ADdude

Time After Time (Incomplete as of December 2013)

And if that's not enough to make up for the lack of activity for the past few months here'a a selection of more Dr Who themed material I found.

From Futurama Issue 67 (May 2013)
I had a big hoot when I saw this joke.

Happy now?
I'm off to see my parents now. Bye.