Monday 20 April 2020

Introducing The Snacking Otaku

You may remember a long time ago (2015) that I made a few infographic-like "strips" that called "informative strips (working title)."

Today (when most of humanity is forced to stay indoors) I am announcing that I plan to start working on new "strips" this year. Not right now... but soon (when things get sorted at my end).

And I finally come up with a proper title for this series - The Snacking Otaku.

As many of you know the word "otaku" is used to describe a (mostly male) fan of something (mostly anime girls). But it can apply to someone who is a fan of a sports team, or a rock band, or Tom Cruise. You get the idea.

Sometime in the past I discovered an other Japanese word that describes the opposite of otaku - tsumamigui, meaning "snacking." Its the opposite because while an otaku will eat up every piece of information on their obsession, a person who practises tsumamigui will only eat a bit or so of information at a time.

That's how the title came about. 

Yesterday I have posted a message asking friends and family for ideas for subjects. I wanted a list of subjects to do when I finally come around to making them. No time wasted thinking of subjects myself. Someone pointed out "why can't you do your favourite things?" Well, it would be boring if I stick to what I already know. I want to explore. Find out new stuff.

I wasn't disappointed with the suggestions I got so far. But I want more!

I am open for more suggestions. It can be anything. From Atoms to ZZ Top. Big or small. General or obscure. Historical or contemporary. Art or science. Natural or artificial. Far away or close to home. You can choose anything.

I'll be making a list of upcoming subjects that'll show up HERE

Until then comment your suggestions below.