Monday 24 May 2021

Snacking Otaku book title ideas

 While making What Makes Computers Tick, the idea of making it part of a series of nibble books exploring a deep topic came to me.

I already decided on what the next should be about. The decision was made by current tech trends in cars - the phasing out of internal combustion engines.

So, my follow up to What Makes Computers Tick, will be ....

What Made Cars, Bikes, Planes, Trains, etc Purrrrr

I have come up with other future titles -

  • What Makes Movies Flicker (film and TV)
  • What Makes a Video Game Zap
  • What Makes Vinyl "Warm" (sound recording)
  • What Makes Atoms Explode (nuclear power)
  • What Makes Robots Beep
  • What Makes A Camera Flash (photography)
  • What Makes Electricity Shocking (electrics and electronics)
  • What Made Trains Puff (steam engines)
  • What Makes Planes Zoom
But if they get made in the future is unknown. Its just a list of possible ideas for now.