Whole Books

They have been projects that involve an entire book (not just the cover).

Everyday Things Books
As mentioned in the Science and Technology page, I once made entire books cataloguing
manmade objects (I kind of still doing that, admittedly).

The very first one was made in one night and (ashamedly) had its pages dumped by me.
The second one (the reason of the dumping) was an improvement of the rushed first one and 
shared it's cover. The third one spanned over 100 pages and was housed in a ring-binder.
(The previous two version were a pile of pages held together by two paper fasteners.)
The fourth one was a vast project, spanning three ring-binders. It featured body text that was written on lined paper than then pasted on the pages. Only one volume was completed before abandoning it. My definition of "everyday thing" was too loose. I had included spacecraft in it!

Gordon Wallace's Book of Everyday Things version 4 Book 1

The fifth (and final) book was a more complete one-volume book. I had rationed what was included in it. It included photographs, text that was written up on a word processor (in Times New Roman, of course) and (to make the illustrations more realistic) I had made a number of objects for real out of paper, including a shoe.  Not one page of this book was put together. By then I was in High School and I had moved on to other things.

Book Interventions
In my second year of university (studying computer animation and digital art)
one of the classes made everyone vandalize (or "intervene", as the lecturer called it) a book.

I was (admittedly) first hesitant about the idea, (been a book lover) then 
(after finding a book that fired my imagination) I relished the task without question. 
This was the Inventions That Changed The World book.

I have since did a few other interventions, as listed here.

(a work in progress)

Visual Dictionaries