Thursday 17 September 2015

A small reflection on a significant month in history

On this day last year the people of Scotland 
were given a huge decision, 

"Should Scotland be an independent country?" 

55.3% of voters said "No".
(A very narrow margin)

The Scottish independence referendum was a huge event in British political history. And that is no understatement. The Yes Campaign was well noted for its grass roots approach to campaigning and for rejuvenating local politics. 

The world watched it with curiosity. In fact, this blog received the highest visitor number by month ever (so far) during the month the vote took place. This could be because I am Scottish (I haven't been exactly hiding this fact from you readers). Because I am a Scot known as the "cultural vandal" you may be expecting a huge jokey analysis of the vote for Scottish independence. 

I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. 

You see, to me, politics is like love, nuclear war and tic-tac-toe..... 
according to computers, the best strategy is not to play.

Sadly, in the real world outside the ideal virtual world of the Matrix, we are repeatedly forced to play these games (against our will).

I am not a political person, but I do know what is right when it comes to treating fellow human beings. 

If you wanted biting satire of recent events, this isn't the blog for you. But, if your interested in culture and the interesting (and discovering something new and interesting) read this blog.

Now, if you excuse me, I important got stuff to do. 

More important than talking about politics.

It's not because I don't care (I do care, personally). 
I just not want to talk about it (in huge amounts) in a public way....

I might say the occasional comment, and the odd analysis of a political figure as a human being (and not the political object they became (note the past tense)), but that is it. I won't fill pages with rants about things, like Keynesian economic theory or whether Jeremy Corbyn would make a great leader of the Labour party (he's only been in the role for a few days by the time of writing so only time will tell). 

Now I need to go, Mock The Week is starting....