Wednesday 14 November 2012

The BBC is 90

The BBC is now 90 years old. To celebrate, the BBC's various radio stations broadcast this message at 5:33pm on 14th November 2012.

What would the guys who built and run transmitter 2LO would have made of Orson Welles, Spike Milligan, Douglas Adams and Chris Moyles?

Its great that you are now 90, but sadly much of my radio listening is dominated by local commercial stations.  Today, I mostly change station during my listening time (thanks to digital push-button memory tuning) if the one I'm listening to is playing a song I don't like or a commercial.
But I wasn't always like that. During my high school days, I tuned in to the radio almost every weeknight Monday to Thursday to listen to Tiger Tim Stevens on Clyde 1. I do have fond memories of those nights (Except Fridays, as this was when George Bowie did his dance club music show (I wasn't into dance music then... or clubbing)).

My listening habits changed in 2006, when I got my first MP3 player (a small black 4Gb Archos Gemini XS10D).
I (mostly) stopped listening to the radio after that. But I still got my music fix. I have upgraded since (from two Sony Walkman MP4 players (the first one was destroyed in the washer when I left it in my pocket) to a massive 160Gb iPod Classic).

This is Gordon Wallace signing off now.

(Play end tune)

Ooohhh, oh oh oh oh oh oooohhhhh! Bye bye....!

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